Welcome to KIPS

Established in 2012, KIPS stands as a premier early childhood education institution in Qatar. We offer a cutting-edge British-Canadian curriculum endorsed by esteemed educational establishments in the country. Our tailored programs cater to children ranging from 2 months to 4 years of age. 

Why Choose KIPS ?

KIPS offers a warm and supportive environment for children to flourish. Our skilled and attentive staff are committed to catering to the unique needs of each child. We follow the British-Canadian curriculum and are an EYFS nursery. Our facilities are secure, tidy, and boast delightful outdoor play spaces. We value cultural sensitivity and effective communication between teachers and parents.

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Our Approach

 KIPS upholds the value of diversity, recognizing the unique needs of each child as paramount. Our commitment to creating an inclusive and sensitive learning environment is unwavering. Through our meticulous observation and guidance, we foster a serene atmosphere where the foundations of academic and practical skills can flourish.

We advocate for child-centered activities to facilitate profound learning experiences, bolstering self-assurance and self-worth. By offering a secure and stimulating setting, we empower children to explore and interact with the world around them, unlocking their full potential.

It is our unwavering mission to provide an optimal environment for our students' growth, understanding that collaboration with parents is essential to achieving this goal.

Introductory Stage

Our teachers offer a variety of engaging activities for students to explore and learn at their own pace. Children have the freedom to choose how they approach and complete tasks, while we provide individualized assessments and work closely with parents to support each child's growth. 

Development Stage

During this stage of their development, children enhance their abilities to feed and dress themselves, establish good hygiene and eating routines. They also grasp the connection between objects and events, problem-solve, and understand differences and similarities. 

Growth Stage

 With time, individuals will enhance their ability to express thoughts, broaden their vocabulary, and deepen their understanding of language in its many forms. They will build confidence, foster harmonious relationships, follow social norms, and skillfully resolve conflicts, ultimately developing a strong sense of self.

Our Classes

green and black wood picker

Humming Birds

Specialised program for children aged 3 months to 1 year

blue and black butterfly


Classes for children aged 1-2 years

red and black ladybug on green stem in tilt shift lens


Classes for children aged 2-3 years

shallow focus photography of red and orange dragonfly


Classes for children aged 3-4 years